
This page summarizes everything that I want to log about my personal projects, conferences or anything where I want a timeline. Expect it to be absolutely hard to read because I expect no other person than me (maybe my girlfriend) to care about it.




The code makes the blog capable of using d2 diagrams too, the same way wiki.ml does. Finish the mock design on Pen Pot. All I need is to implement the CSS. For future me, it needs to be done in an atomic way: I write the new CSS and HTML files and just switch the path ultimately.


The wiki is now able to directly extract d2 diagrams from the markdown file and extract the diagrams to an SVG and swap the graph code block with a newly create SVG image. It now requires d2 to be able to build the full wiki.



Support the d2 front matter in wiki page and generate image links from content digest (weak caching system to not generate some files multiple times). The next step is to walk through the tree and generate the d2 schemas in the tree using the Folder API from Cmarkit and the YOCaml D2 example


Add Wikipedia to the donation blog post because it was missing.


Support the draft: <bool> metadata with Wiki.t elements. It allows the same as for the Blog.t elements. Night time!


Support the draft: <bool> metadata with Blog.t elements. It allows testing online without referencing them. Write a new blog post about the donations! Yeah, being a bit productive on personal time :)


Add the RSS2 flux as a syndication page. This allows users to have both Atom and RSS versions.


Bring back the profile picture in the about page. Improve the content of the page by adding more information about employers. Add a disclaimer on all the pages about opinions. I wrote the first version of the Atom feed. It is not a clean interface but at least, it works. The next stage is to improve the code readability. I'll take care of this after the design because I want to have a decent "visible" version before going into hard refactoring mode.


Add this logging section. It is still hidden for the public as I do not know how to expose it on the website. However, it will be built. I also cleaned the index.ml file to make it easier to maintain in the long rune. I added some small improvement tot the about.md page, but it needs to be done when I have more time. Will look at this later.


Move the blog.ml file to use the tree.ml structure. It is not clean at all right now: it needs a little cleaning.